The value of meeting others and networking with like-minded humans is a huge perk when it comes to coworking. Finding a coworking space with a great community can seem easy, but finding a space with a community that fits you and your business is what really matters. The social aspect of working alongside people who “get” your entrepreneurial challenges and witnessing them working diligently to better their business, will encourage you to do the same. Ultimately, this is why coworking is the best choice for startups, freelancers and innovation labs but you need to find a place that fits your business sector. Coworking Madrid - Talent Garden

1. Madrid is the 5th highest European City in number of tech-related meetups/events with active members

Today, it is almost impossible to enter a city without stepping into technology. It is clear that Europe is witnessing the spread of tech communities within a growing number of cities. We see this especially in Madrid, as it is the 5th highest European city in numbers of tech-related meetups/events with active members. Not to mention Madrid also hosts South Summit, one of Europe’s leading startup conferences. Tech Events Madrid

2. Madrid is ranked 6th among European countries in terms of Start-ups

Because of its vibrant ecosystem characterised by a range of communities, Madrid is one of Europe’s largest population centres and has a thriving start-up scene. In the heat of the economic crisis in 2013, the Spanish government launched an Entrepreneurs’ Law that was designed to foster its startup culture, and in turn boost its economy, and 30% of startups in Spain are based in Madrid. Also, incubators and accelerators play a particularly important role in the growth of the startup ecosystem.

3. 32% of Spain’s Tech Community is based in Madrid

Spain is the 6th European country with the most amount of professional developers, and many of them call Madrid home. Tech leaders are now coming from all over the country, and entrepreneurs have more access to capital, but it still is a good idea to be in a place that has a strong tech ecosystem. Madrid ranks 2nd in Spain for most tech startups.

4. Madrid is the 4th largest AI hub in Europe

The top 5 AI start-up hubs within the EU are London, Berlin, Paris, Madrid, and Stockholm. European AI start-ups raised EUR 3.6 billion in 2017, almost three times more than in 2016. The top 5 industries they operate in are FinTech, HealthTech, MadTech (marketing, advertising and technology), business intelligence, and automotive. The investment in tech startups in Spain grew by 45% in 2017.

5. Madrid’s Central Location in Spain

Madrid’s status as the national capital reflects the perfect location for any organization wishing to develop business in western Europe. The city lies almost exactly at the geographical heart of the Iberian Peninsula. This unique location makes Madrid very attractive to foreign investors. Madrid stands among the Top 15 European Hubs based on the amount of capital invested (€). Coworking Space Madrid While Madrid offers a variety of supported communities within its coworking spaces the only one that focuses on the tech and digital innovation industry is Talent Garden. With 32% of Spain’s tech community based in Madrid, the need for a work environment that allows you to focus on maximizing your business and being surrounded by talented professionals is key to getting ahead. Talent Garden has continued to lead the way by connecting digital innovators and developing new synergies that help increase the chances of meeting potential partners, collaborators and investors. With the speciality in the tech and digital industry, Talent Garden makes the perfect home for those entrepreneurs, startups, or anyone in search to enhance their business within this sector. Also with the in-house Talent Garden Innovation School, present in campuses in Spain, Italy, Ireland, Austria, and Denmark, develops fast and in-depth training programs designed to meet the real needs of the digital and tech market, meaning inside the campus not only can you continue to learn new skills but you find a continuous flow of talented professionals. Talent Garden Innovation School Madrid is one of the most innovative educational institutes in Europe offering courses in the fields of digital technologies and innovation, with a focus on digital transformation, coding, digital marketing, business and leadership.
Article updated on: 09 August 2023
Lorenzo Monte
Written by
Lorenzo Monte, Full stack developer

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